Of course, their two kids have to have some presence here, as do two of their many cats! These two are about the same age as my Kidz, so they get the honor of being on the calendar this year. Plus they looked so danged cute, posing like this.
Maggie actually gets her own photo - I get tons of pix of the kids, but few of the adults - it gets tough to fill a page sometimes!
Zak's in the Marines now, and Kaitlyn will graduate from high school this year.
I like the photo of the four kids in the stair well.
The other two punks are growing up fast!
I always enjoy making these calendars. It gives me an opportunity to be somewhat involved in their lives.
Since they all live in Illinois, our biggest contacts are through emails and phone calls - and the photos help me get to know personalities that might not come through in either of these modes of communication.
The best part about these Days To Remember 6x6 calendars is that all the pages are perforated, so you can tear them out of the calendar at the end of the year and put the already finished pages into an album to keep forever!
Scrapbooking, one year at a time!
Hope you've enjoyed my sharing the calendar with you!
What do YOU want or need to scrapbook? Call me - I've got access to lots of items for that project!
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