Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Wizarding WORLD...

of Harry Potter!

For Manager's Meeting this year at Leadership we got to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which is in the Universal Studio's Islands of Adventure.

Hey, LOOK!  There's our awesome logo!

Shelli was standing at the front gate, waiting to greet all of us as we came in.



FOOD! (and they told us we were only going to get hors d'oeuvres!)  Gosh, there were turkey legs, cornish pies, Shepherd's pies, fish and chips, cheeses, breads and FANTABULOUS desserts!

Here I am, greeting Selma, who is SUCH a sweetheart!  That's me on the left, Selma in the middle, and my friend Joanna on the right.  So great to see Selma at each event - I always make it a point to get a hug from her...

Standing in line to get Butter Beer - it was GOOD!

The conductor of the train, talking to one of our demonstrators.

The village - it looked just like I'd pictured it, but that MAY have been because I've watched a couple of the movies...

What a GREAT RIDE!  And NO LINES!  It took us forever to walk to the point where the animated pictures started talking to us.  I can't even IMAGINE trying to do this ride when the place is open to the general public!  They had little cubbyholes EVERYWHERE where they could create yet another snaky line!

The gal walking in and I rode together.  Neither of her friends wanted to go on this ride, so I asked if I could accompany her.  She has a 10-year-old and decided after riding it, maybe it wasn't for her!  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  

This was a "simulator" ride - wasn't sure what that meant until we started out.  It was exciting!  The best part of the ride, to me, was following Harry to a Quidditch game and getting to see everything from the air.  Of course there were monsters and dragons to be dealt with along the way, but we made it!

Really enjoyed visiting Harry Potter!  Wonder what wonderful place and things we'll get to see next year at Leadership?  They never disappoint...

Thanks for stopping by - come back again...

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