I didn't until I saw them at convention. I've been looking for these things for TWO YEARS!
So, now I'm happy to report, I can buy them from ME! And, so can you - check out the Definately Decorative brochure on the sidebar. They're towards the back of the brochure, but we've got all the variations of family members, INCLUDING cats and dogs! WOO HOO!
And just so's you'll know me if you come across me out there on the streets, here's a photo of the car with those images!
I love this car!
Speaking of personality, I was putting a bunch of stamp sets together last night and suddenly realized (I've only been doing this for 19 years now, so there's no sense rushing into these insights, ya know!) that the IMAGE that goes on the top of the stamp block is what gives the stamp IT'S personality!
Look at the following photos, and you'll see what I mean:
Here is the rubber (die cut - remember? ALL of them are die cut now!), and along side is the wooden block.
Kinda blah, wouldn't you say?
And here is the same image and wooden block, but now I've mounted the rubber to the block.
Still kinda blah, doncha think?
The one you saw in the previous photos is the rooster.
Love that little chick. He'll be decorating something I make one of these days.
NOW you want to do something with these stamps - NOW you can see what the heck they are and can begin to envision using them on a card or a scrapbook page.
This is a Level I Hostess set - would you like to have this set? All it takes is a $150 workshop submitted thru my Demonstrator Business Website, or given directly to me, and it can be YOURS!
OH OH OH !!!!!
We were notified that WE (demonstrators) can begin to purchase "My Design Studio" this month. It's in the Holiday mini-catalog towards the back. YOU (customers) can begin to purchase on October 1st!
I am SO EXCITED about this product. I can't WAIT to get my hands on it.
It's a digital scrapbooking tool, and it's both PC AND MAC compatible, so there's not much of an excuse for you not to own it!
We were able to attend a webinar thru SU yesterday, where they showed us a little bit about using it.
If you can use Word, you can use this product! This product looks SO EASY to use. I'll let you know, as soon as I can play with it, but I've got very high hopes for it...
There are a TON of SU images in the software, as well as embellishments you can use on your scrapbook pages or cards or what ever you'd like make (maybe a flyer?), AND our paper colors, as well as our Designer Series Papers.
You can start with your own design, OR, use the templates that are included with it. And even if you use the templates, you can change the color scheme to whatever you'd like... You can add bows (yes, they're already tied!), or punch images, or brads, or whatever!
And SU will be generating additional downloadable packets in the future, so you won't get bored with the images that are contained in the original software.
AND, you'll be able to send it off to a printer (or print at your home, if you'd rather) so you'll get good quality prints.
You'll be able to make a scrapbook with the product, then send it off to a professional printer to be made into a hardbacked scrapbook!
Like I said, I'm SO EXCITED about this product.
I plan to make a book featuring the cats' photos to show you all how your scrapbook will turn out! (NO - really? Those Kidz - AGAIN!?!)
Now, I'm not a huge scrapbooker... Since I only have the Kidz for children, there's not a huge need for me to scrapbook. After they reach the age of 1 year, there's really not much change in cats.
But, I'm really looking forward to being able to make scrapbook spreads, print them out here at home, and then ADD 3 dimensional things to them. I'm told this is called Hybrid Scrapbooking. I think this will be fun...
As soon as I get mine and start playing around with it, you can bet I'll be posting some photos...
Look at what we had in our sky here in San Diego last night
You have to understand. We very seldom get clouds here. IF we're going to get rain, during the winter, we will, but real clouds? Rarely...
This was taken right as the sun was setting - look at those rays. I'm sure they have an official name, but I don't know what it is...
And then I turned around and saw this!
Thunderheads out over the desert, the setting sun lighting them up, and an almost full moon riding slightly above those clouds.
Of course, that's my neighbors garage at the bottom. If I try to zoom too far, I never seem to get photos that aren't all blurry.
But I keep trying!
Well, I guess I've chattered on enough for tonight.
I hope you have something FUN planned for Labor Day weekend. I'm going to have some stampin' sisters come by so we can PLAY!
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